Monday, April 19, 2010

A Death of a Captain

Oh sail on sea, life is like a ship,

You aim for a victory,

Contend with strength and find a companion,

A friend for us whom God’s gift.

Before the adventure, you prepared yourself,

All your men were expecting for a marvel,

Then someone shouted, “Captain, are we ready to go?”,

You shouted back, “Yes we are but on our way, know to anticipate your foes”.

The beginning was filled with nothing but joy,

And the festivity lasted for a long time,

You noticed someone at the corner, thought he was a coy,

You approached him and said, “Come my friend, join us and you’ll be fine”.

After long nights and days,

The tough journey on sea begun,

Predicaments were faced on your way,

But with unity of all this would be overcome.

A storm was coming with thunder and lightning,

Wind so strong, you couldn’t stand still,

You caught something and on it you were gripping,

And a captain’s comrade held your hand with his own will.

Traveling the vast sea was living your life in vast obstacles,

You were the captain of your life; you know the directions to take,

And finally you rejoiced for seeing the island’s cape,

A thought of a victory that which you had longed and the outcome of everything you tackled.

As you got close to the island,

You heard echoing voices but not a sound of creepy voices,

You went down the ship first and left your men,

Then you saw a light and those familiar faces.

You frowned in astonishment for what you could see,

Everyone was wearing a huge smile on their faces,

The place seemed covered with white and everything around was bliss,

For what you came here was not the thing you expected.

You showed up to your men and they were in surprise,

Astounded in disbelief, so many questions asked,

You said everything was just a disguise,

And this was the words you said that made them cried:

“Dear men, you are my family and friends,

For the adventures that we had was my life and yours too,

But this victory was not the material victory and,

My endless gratitude is now given to you”.

“I am grateful for being with you my whole life,

Coming here is indeed a success,

A triumph to be with Him in eternity, and my mission as a captain thrived,

I say my farewell now and I wish my ship and now your ship too will not be an empty nest”.

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